Investing is a tricky business, but a shrewd investor could potentially turn a profit if the right opportunity is found. It can be difficult to resist the urge to invest only in what might be considered “quick cash” stocks, although there is money to be made in being patient. If […]

With college and university campus administrators all over the nation scrambling with how to support students in unprecedented times, religious chaplains and other spiritual leaders have been working overtime to help students in need of some hope. While social distancing and gathering restrictions have made for some challenges, creative thinking […]

Pet owners have a huge responsibility for their pets, and they need a place to buy pet supplies. Starting a pet supply business is a great way to dip your toe into the world of business, and with the global COVID-19 situation, people are closer to their pets now more […]

You know that good health is important. That’s why you visit your doctor when you’re feeling ill, as well as schedule checkups, tests, and routine scans as recommended and manage your diet and exercise routines. You keep vitamins on your shelf, make sure you drink plenty of water, and even […]